Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the foot (fixed) part 2

So if you missed my last post go read it and catch up. And now to the conclusion, because I'm sure my precise and expert use of foreshadowing has left you with bated breath.

The cardboard box doctor said not to run for 2 weeks. And so...

I didn't run. At all. He said two weeks. I went two months. Everything hurt. It was all I could do to get through the day, much less try to run on it. Eventually the pain lessened in day to day activity, but I was always aware of it. I didn't take it well. Most of you would have probably put your big girl (or boy) panties on and rode a bike, lifted weights, anything to keep your base fitness, to cling to your hard work. Not me. I went head first into a package of DoubleStuf Oreos.

I'm not proud of that. I wish I had made wiser choices, but I didn't, so I might as well own it. I got lazy, ate like crap, lost my fitness and gained 10+ pounds. Yikes.

People kept asking me about my foot, and mostly I avoided the subject and answered generically. "It's still there...blah blah blah." Deep down though, I was really really afraid I wouldn't ever get to run again. Ever.

****Perspective Alert**** I know there are FAR greater and more severe tragedies in this world. My children are healthy, my husband loves me and has a good job providing for us. My problems are nothing on a global scale. I know that. But I was sad.

Anyway, someone mentioned to me that I should go see a chiropractor. I dismissed my friend's suggestion inwardly, thinking, "uh yeah, that would be great if I had hurt my BACK"

The weeks went on and now it is February. I never went back to that doctor because I knew he wouldn't do anything for me. He would just say to stop running, and although we actually have spectacular insurance coverage, changing doctors or seeing a specialist is nothing short of a miracle.

I came across the chiropractor's card in my bathroom drawer and decided to call. No Answer, the office was closed for the day. OF COURSE IT WAS!!

Frustrated and not even sure if I should pursue it I decided to message someone that I knew a little, and who I thought was a nurse. My thinking was, well maybe she can at least tell me if it's worth my time to even try and schedule an appointment. I sent her a whiny facebook message asking her opinion. And do you want to know the response I got?! It was something along the lines of, "Yeah, I do think it would help, and my husband is a chiropractor and I'm sure he'd be happy to see you tomorrow afternoon!!"

Cue the hallelujah choir...almost. I had never seen a chiropractor before didn't know what to expect and certainly didn't want to get my hopes up. I went to the appointment and as I was taking off my shoes and socks and beginning to explain what was going on, Dr. Awesome (that's what I'll call him, I doubt he'd mind) said, "Hmmm is this where it hurts?" as he pointed to the EXACT spot.

Me: UH HUH ***nodding head like an idiot***

Dr. Awesome: I think you have a bone that has just slipped out of place, we can fix that.

And fix he did. Over the course of the next few weeks he reset my foot several times a week (not to mention my wonky hips and back that I screwed up limping around on my foot for 2 months) and the pain IMMEDIATELY went away. Instantly I could move my toes again that had been immobilized (I thought it was swelling). And now, all has been well and the bone is staying in its bony home!

But the best part of this whole thing is that his wife turned out to be a SUPER DUPER running partner AND they live in my neighborhood! I get to run again AND I now have someone to run with most days!

Thanks Dr. Awesome, from the bottom of my heart and the top of my foot.



  1. ahhh a happy ending! i like how this story ends, and i am glad your foot doesn't hurt anymore. :)

  2. Yea! So glad you got "fixed" and found a running buddy! Happy dance! Happy dance!

    Doctor Awesome is helping my hubby right now, too! He's a miracle worker that man! ;-)

  3. Cool training widget on your blog, btw ;-)

  4. YAY! The foot story with the happy ending. Love. Glad you're running again. Now if only I could drum up the courage ... or time. Or energy. It might be a bit. ;)
